Yes, you do have all you need to create the life you desire, the abundance, the freedom, the passion, the impact...
The desire is bubbling up inside you. 
You are being called to something more. 
Your soul wants alignment, and she wants it now. 
But then, doubt creeps in. 
What if you mess up? What if you're not good enough?
What if people judge you when you step fully into your truth? 
And so, you wait, and another year passes you by...(and another)... remember...
You are here to be fully alive, and that is your greatest gift to the world. 
Your aliveness IS your purpose, and only you can fulfill it. 

She can move mountains with her faith
create new worlds with her love


Your whole life, you've heeded the advice of others.
You've looked for answers in books, mentors, gurus, strategists. 
Now, it's time to look within, to your own connection to Source.
To anchor the light you're here to bring, to activate your sacred gifts.
To unlock your destiny.

She’s ready to stop playing small, to stop denying her own power and magnificence

She’s ready to own her magic, to be a leader in her own right, to stand in her truth

To shed anything that is not her

To be the leading energy in her life

To receive more, effortlessly.

Within you, there is
an oracle,
a priestess,
a queen

This is an invitation to become the most authentic, aligned and abundant version of you. 
To bring confidence & clarity to every aspect of your ife
Because you know who you are, why you’re here and you’re no longer afraid to embody your radiance.

Join the waitlist!



When you embody your feminine energy

You just KNOW what's aligned with you is yours.

The 'what if’s' and  "should's' drop away...

Like a hologram shifting in the light, your destiny appears before you…

It's always been there, waiting for your remembrance...of your worth, your power, your knowing.


Join the waitlist!

Hi, I'm Carey

I was born in the UK to parents who introduced me to world religions and New Age spirituality at an early age. 

I always felt different, but as I moved many times as a child including immigrating to the U.S. when I was 9, I navigated these tough transitions by hiding parts of myself to try to fit in (though truthfully, I never really did.)

As an adult, I pursued a career in filmmaking, met my husband and we spent four fun-filled years in L.A. After having our first child, I went into real estate because I wanted time freedom, and I was quite successful. 

However, I didn't really feel successful. As the hardworking "Super Mom," I was burnt out, resentful and envious of those who were doing what they loved while I felt like a slave trading all my time and energy just to pay the bills.

I desperately wanted to tap into my purpose and create a life aligned with my passions and gifts. But I felt like life was passing me by. 

A divine download guided me to start reconnecting with and embodying my sacred feminine energy. This path led me back to myself. I now live my best life every day. 

Today, it is my honor and privilege to help other women rediscover their power, beauty and innate worth through the reclamation of the feminine divine. Bringing our feminine energy back into balance is like going from black and white to Technicolor. It's the secret ingredient, the juice we didn't know was missing!

Schedule a free call!

What's included in the program?

✔  This group program brings archetypal, feminine wisdom to a contemporary format, combining coaching + community to bring your feminine + masculine energies back into balance.

✔  LIVE calls every week to help you integrate your feminine energy and power into your work and receive more in every aspect of your life, PLUS *Lifetime Access* to the replays!

✔ Exercises, journal prompts + activations to support help you fully awaken and embody your inner goddess.

✔ An exclusive  community of like-hearted women on the same journey for sisterhood, inspiration + lifelong friendships. 

✔ Personalized coaching support tailored to your individual goals + needs.

✔ BONUS: Goddess Activation bundle - $99 value! 

Join the waitlist!

"When I began the program, I was knee-deep in personal struggles and in a very low place. My life was falling apart and I had no hope for my future. I was drowning in despair and felt so lost. This program connected me to what I needed at the time and also provided an amazing support system. My perspective changed with every module, group call, book I read and workbook I completed. I have grown a lot, broken bad habits and shed unhealthy beliefs on so many levels. I have more awareness now so I can make mindful decisions and not make myself suffer! I have a new freedom. I have better coping mechanisms and tools to deal with things that are frustrating, disappointing or hurtful. The program definitely opened a lot of doors for me. It has literally improved my quality of life and shown me that I am the author of my story, not the victim." 
- Shantell

"Since I started the Goddess Uprising program, I have had many breakthroughs in my life, personally and professionally. I am much more confident and self-aware. I’ve made some great, new connections and I’m following through on my commitments to myself. I’m exercising more often, my mood has improved, and I’m more outspoken and voicing my opinions. As a result, I’ve noticed that I get more respect from others. I know now that it’s OK not to please everybody. I’m teaching my son how to speak up for himself as well and that it’s Ok to say No. I’ve also gotten more clarity on my purpose and I’m about to begin a course to become a certified coach! I really loved the self-paced format of this program and the live, group calls. Sharing this journey with other women took away feelings of isolation and helped me gain new perspectives."
- EM  

“You have such a warm, loving energy. I felt totally comfortable opening up and being vulnerable. Thank you for being such a great coach and helping me find more confidence and motivation to keep pursuing my dreams and the ease of taking it one step at a time." 
- Taryn 


Join the waitlist!

Embodying your feminine energy is the surest way to manifest your dream life.

Women are not meant to hustle or chase.

We are meant to be MAGNETIC!

Your desires are meant for you, and they desire you too!   

As we heal, we heal the world!!!

I'm a firm believer.. 

✔ You're done playing small and ready to ditch people-pleasing, self-doubt, self-sacrifice and self-sabotage.

✔ You desire to break through the invisible glass ceiling and tap into your limitless potential and share your sacred gifts so you can have the fulfilling, abundant and authentic life you desire. 

✔ You're willing to do the deep, inner work to resolve resistance and own your worth so you can thrive in all areas of your life.   


“I have really started to awaken my inner goddess. I feel it at work, in yoga, with my friends and family. People have made comments to me that they feel that I am happier and look brighter, lighter and beautiful.”

- Barb

"I'm feeling more confident in myself and releasing shame around my body."

- Rebecca

"I'm feeling so aligned, listening to my intuition, having so many insights and a-ha moments, and my business is flowing easily." 

- Courtney

"I'm speaking my truth, trusting myself and I'm starting a new podcast!"

- Tiffany

What women are saying

After working with Carey, I noticed a feeling of profound acceptance of myself just as I am, as well as a lightness of being and a positive mood overall. I also sensed a heightened connectivity, both to my own higher self / inner wisdom, and to everything else.

There was a definite shift in my awareness in my ability to make choices and notice my own reactions. This is helpful in my interactions with others. I became more attuned to the way energy flows through and from me as I move through the world in my daily life. 

Yana Bloomstein
Owner, Juicy Fruit Photography

Working with Carey has helped me in immeasurable ways. Her ability to listen and make thoughtful observations and reflections on what is alive for me has been SO impactful. She is a sorceress of intuition and ascension. She is able to make a union out of the earthly things and the spiritual realm in ways that support opening and owning my own power in all the situations we have explored. 

I decided to take a chance and apply for a job I wasn't sure I was qualified for. Carey was able to offer real life examples of people who have become internationally known and revered for their work without what may be deemed "qualified". She completely invited the feeling of "I CAN!" vs any other limited belief to what I can do. Her unwavering belief in me helped me believe in myself, and I landed the job seamlessly. 

Carey is amazing at believing. She believes in herself, her family, relationships, ventures, and the risks she takes. She's not afraid, and she doesn't want you to be either. It's so palpable and evident that when she's here to believe in me (or YOU) it feels completely and reasonable and honest. Almost like you knew it all along but needed that little push to remind you. Her authenticity is so real, and her ability to help me forge on has been so monumental for some serious thought and life shifting. 




Sharon Zolper
Artist & Teacher


I think everyone would benefit from working with Carey, not only because she is one of the sweetest, patient and kindest person you will ever meet!

Each session I’ve experienced was super relaxing and I always come away feeling renewed and full of energy. I am humbled by the powerful, healing force that this modality invites. I will always be so thankful that Carey introduced me to this powerful work.


Jamie Cholake Pierre
Founder of Rock & Soul Wellness

It's time to ACTIVATE your inner GODDESS!

On the fence? Let's chat!
I would love to connect and help you determine if this journey is an aligned fit for you!